

As an artist, I specialize in helping others shift their view to notice small moments that often go unseen.  I am drawn to light, lines, texture and contrast in my surroundings. Photography allows me to focus on what I see and capture the beauty in what can be so easy to miss as we busy ourselves with our daily to do lists. Sharing my perspective offers people an opportunity to see beauty in unexpected places and reclaim some inner peace through the small moments that exist in nature and the world we live in.

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As a Fine Artist , it is not the medium, but the desire to create beautiful art I want to live with, that drives me.

Most of the materials I use have been discarded or would be in landfill if I hadn't found them. I love that they have already been marked by time.

My childhood was spent in South Africa and it is Africa that is at the heart of what inspires my art; which in turn inspires my poetry that explores the essence of human connection.

In England I trained with South African painters Ruth Liebman and Cecily Sash, which led me to get a 1st Class Honours in Fine Art Printmaking.

It was in London's Cockpit Arts studios that I put all my training and skill together to create many of the hand made pieces in my early collections.

“Little by little, and also in great leaps, life happened to me.” Pablo Neruda