Studio Space Sunday

Photo Aug 02, 4 34 30 PM.jpg

Finding “North”

Blog Beginnings

One Sunday in 2019, I posted a series of photos to the Instagram hashtag #studiospacesunday and an instablog was born. I didn’t plan ahead of time to make a blog, but I’ve always found writing to be cathartic so when something stirred in my gut compelling me to share my journey, I seized the opportunity to bring it to life. At that moment, I found myself in the middle of beginning to transform the bedroom of my son; who had recently moved out, into a creative haven to call my own.

What began on a spontaneous impulse to claim my artistic self, developed into a weekly routine that saw me posting a new series of photos with an accompanying slice of my story. At the end of 8 months, it became clear that this collection of Sunday stories was actually a chronicle of a cathartic makeover that mirrored the personal journey I was on to rebuild my identity as a mom and a human after losing my role as my son’s daily caregiver sent me into a downward spiral.

You can retrace my footsteps by visiting #studiospacesunday on Instagram or you can walk with me directly (by visiting this blog regularly) as I bushwhack a new path to revise those Instagram musings and compile them into a cohesive memoir of the midlife storm that shattered me and my journey to pick up the pieces. Each day I learn how to hold them with grace as I patiently and painstakingly practice the art of kintsugi in an effort to find my way back to my whole self.

Amy C.Wheeler

Writer, photographer and abstract artist. Seeking to map my world one piece of art at a time.

Words Worth Shouting